A Prayer in the Season of Transition

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that we’re in a season of swift and massive change and transition – in fact, we have been for some time now. I know that God is calling a lot of us to a higher place in Him- whether that be in ministry or life in general- it’s time to go UP. I know for sure He’s calling me, and if you can relate, just pray with me for a second as we go farther, deeper, and higher in the things of God…

Lord I realize that, in this life, change is inevitable. As the leaves change colors from Summer to Fall; as life progresses and change happens in our bodies; as people transition from this life and into Your rest-  I thank You that YOU never change! You have been a good Father to me up to this point and will continue to be a good Father to me for all of eternity. You will always be the Rock that keeps me grounded. I thank you also that Your Word never changes or fails. It’s the firm foundation upon which I stand! Now Lord, help me to navigate through this season of transition. As I pick up the torch and run with it, please be my guide, coach, mentor, and confidante. Lord, I humbly say yes to Your will- You have my YES. Now God, arise in me and make me BRAVE! Give me a holy roar  so that I say exactly what You tell me to say. Give me an unrelenting passion, drive, and discipline to accomplish the mission and tasks that lie ahead. And give me the courage to keep going no matter what. I also pray that you surround me with a strong team of believers that love You and believe in my calling. Lord You are good and Your mercy never fails. I need You and can’t do anything without You. Be with me, lead me, guide me, correct me, and throughly establish me. In the Name and Power of Jesus Christ I pray…

-Your Child and Future World Changer.

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