Prayer from the Wilderness…

Hey y’all! I’ve said before how I’ve felt like I’m in a wilderness season; and truthfully, I still believe I’m in it even now. I’m in the grey area of my life and I’m moving at God’s tempo. Sometimes I think my life is moving too fast, and I can’t keep up. But other times too slow, and I’m thinking “OK, when is my life gonna begin!?!” There’s just no set pace or [seemingly] any set direction :/ And to a runner- who loves a good, steady-paced run- this can be super irky! But I’m learning that if I want God’s best, He’s got to be in control.

Also, in this wilderness, I feel like I have community sometimes (a Children of Israel wilderness), but then I feel abandoned at other times (an Elijah Wilderness). Anywho, flowing from my heart are the issues of my heart, so if you can relate at all, pray with me in these next few moments… :)

Hey God, it’s me again! Coming to you  from the wilderness! First, I actually want to thank You for giving me the courage to step out into the unknown with nothing but faith in You. You have truly never left me. I’m reminded of Moses when You gave him a task that he felt he wasn’t prepared or even qualified to accomplish (Exo. 2:11). Thank You for reminding Moses [and me] that You are the Great I AM (Exo. 2:14) who is neither bound nor affected by time, resources, strength, or ability. For ALL THINGS are subject to You. Time, resources, strength, and ability are in Your hands. You ARE that You ARE- and all that ever was, is, or will be is from You. Moreover, You are all-seeing and all-knowing and You’re acquainted with every move I make (Ps. 139:3). You’ll never leave me nor forsake me. In a nutshell, thank You for equipping me with supernatural navigational ability to get through this wilderness. Please help me to keep my eyes on You and keep journeying forward. In Jesus’ name I pray…

Exodus 3.

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